Community Partners

Adman Gray All Purpose Graphic Designs

Inez Creative Services Videography

Our Funders

These projects made possible by grants from CalRecycle, CalEPA, The Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy and The City of Palm Springs, through our fiscal sponsor, The California Alliance of Community Composting


“Having just completed a term as Mayor of Palm Desert, I am pleased to report my very positive experiences with Desert Compost during that time.  Desert Compost has begun a collaboration with one of our local safety net providers which supplies food and clothing to those in need.  Haley Preston and the other Desert Compost reps have been phenomenal in supplying easy to implement strategies and inspirational leadership.  Through their efforts, large amounts of food waste the program generates is now being channeled into a composting project that will nurture a community garden.  Haley and her team are equipping program volunteers to expand the program to receive waste from others in the future.  They have provided the vehicle for many who had good intentions but were uncertain how to proceed.  I could not possibly be more impressed with their methods, manner and inspiration.”

Kathleen Kelly

Palm Desert Mayor 2019-2021

“Community Composting will help save our world. Sierra Club supports Community Composting!”

Kim Floyd

Tahquitz Group President

Sierra Club San Gorgonio Chapter

“I am writing this letter in support of Desert Compost. In October of 2021, the Neighbors-4-Neighbors community food distribution program at St. Margaret’s (N4N) entered into a formal partnership with the Desert Compost Community Coalition led by Haley Preston. In an effort to successfully live into St.Margaret’s newly developed strategic plan, being better stewards of our earth is high on our priority list for the upcoming years. To this end, this partnership was formed to reduce landfill-bound organic waste which is generated weekly by our Neighbors-4-Neighbors community food distribution program, which feeds 400-500 families weekly. Haley’s passion for taking care of the earth through composting is infectious. Her leadership, and the enthusiasm of the entire team, made it extremely easy for us to launch this partnership and actually get composting within a 45-day period! Haley and the DC team have made it very easy logistically to develop our partnership, by developing a solid MOU and doing all necessary footwork with the City of Palm Desert. With her leadership, they have also been excellent guides in helping us understand the importance of this work for the earth and future generations, as well as actually walking us through the actual composting process step by step as we are turning food scraps into beautiful healthy usable earth!

Thank you Haley, and the whole DC team for being excellent stewards of the earth, sage guides and wonderful teachers!”

Chet Hecht

Outreach & Community Engagement Director

St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church

“The Urban Conservation Corps works closely with Desert Compost on various projects and they are a strong local partner with several projects at Eastern Coachella Valley schools. They are dedicated to creating and supporting inclusive and adaptive approaches to climate resilience that engage local communities to meet local needs. I know that when they commit to a project, they do everything in their power to make that project successful and meaningful for the community. It would be well worth your time to work with them.” 

Jennifer Prado

Indio Urban Conservation Corps Director