Workforce Development Training

& Community Education

Desert Compost trains interns from the College Corps, Urban Conservation Corps, and CA Climate Action Corps

New Community Composter Trainings available on the 1st week of every month at sites below:

  • Prescott Preserve

  • United Methodist Church

  • Prema’s Urban Farm

  • College of the Desert

Graduates of the Spring 2023 Master Composter Training

Click on the button below to see our composting and education opportunities and continued learning groups. We invite you to join us!

Desert Compost provides community education at events and gatherings

Click on picture to access course

Desert Compost YouTube Channel

Education Tables

Bring Desert Compost to your event! We teach the public about:

  • Climate Resilience

  • Waste reduction

  • Home composting methods

  • Regenerating soil

  • Growing food

  • Sequestering carbon

  • Conserving water

  • Recovering resources

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Desert Compost thanks the City of Palm Springs for financially supporting our farmer’s market education tables, and our partners at the Certified Farmers’ Markets of the Coachella Valley for providing a community education platform.