Our Philosophy

Desert Compost grew from an idea to a network that has coalesced into a movement. We galvanize communities into action not only because of what we do, but the way we do it.

Many organizations invent a “vision statement” to which they aspire. Since Desert Compost exists and works in tangible spaces, we reflected on what already drives us - as people, as teammates, and as stewards of our environment - and we realized that all of our communications and operations rely on core values that we share in common.

Desert Compost is committed to three fundamental principles:

● Integrity

● Communication

● Earth

Communities don’t need to be convinced that their trash needs to be picked up, but they do need to be convinced that composting is good for the Earth, and can be done well at the community level. We must do everything we can to ensure that everyone’s first experience with community composting is positive. Each project we’ve created promotes the values that may yet heal our environment and help the neediest among us.

For all of these reasons, Desert Compost stands for the idea that accountability begins with us. In the same way we advocate against using plastic straws or tossing organic material into a landfill, we must support openness, accountability, attention to the needs of our community and determination to act fully and justly to support composting for all.

Our integrity, our communication, and our Earth depend on it.


The Desert Compost Team