We Love Our Volunteers!

In today’s culture people are often divided. We believe that caring for the Earth is a cause that can and should bring everyone together. 

Desert Compost celebrates every single person who has the desire to steward our environment and provide for our collective well-being. That is what community composting is all about. 

We look for the same qualities in our volunteers and community partners. We strengthen our identity and our projects by collaborating with individuals and organizations whose working practices are also guided by Integrity, Communication, and Earth.

Volunteer Champions

Octavio Ochoa

Zafiro Vidal

 “I volunteer with Desert Compost to support a great organization dedicated to their local community, reducing waste, building an environmentally conscious community, all while enriching our soil vital to our food nutrition, our soil biodiversity, and our air quality. The work DC does helps provide our community with green spaces, volunteering opportunities, and social bonds, all of which provide community members with vital mental and physical health benefits. ”

“I volunteer with Desert Compost to feel a sense of belonging. I want to be part of something bigger than I. I understand the importance of collective effort in order to go beyond what is possible. I want to showcase my efforts to prove to others that it’s possible for them as well. I want to be a better ancestor for my daughter, for my family, and for us all.”

“I compost because I can see and follow in real-time how my personal efforts are contributing locally to the replenishment of healthy soil, draw down carbon to combat global warming and share in the larger goal of building a culture of local sustainable farming.”

Ali Motani

Susan St. Louis

Adam Gray

“I began volunteering for Desert Compost and it was the best decision I ever made. This experience has literally changed my life. I am so grateful and privileged to work with some amazing human beings. As important as it is to compost and regenerate the soil beneath our feet, it has been equally important and rewarding to build a community of like-minded people dedicated to a common purpose.”

Rob Fleck

Thanh Nguyen