School Programs

Vermicomposting in Elementary Schools

Our Elementary School Vermicomposting Program is designed to engage young learners in the wonders of composting with worms and its role in combating climate change. Through an interactive slide presentation and hands-on activity, students are introduced to the concept of composting and its importance in reducing waste, improving soil health, and sequestering carbon. The highlight of the course is building a worm bin, where students take part in the creating a home for red wiggler worms and learn about their essential role in breaking down organic matter. Students will learn what to feed the worms, how to use the worm castings to improve plant and soil health and deepen their understanding of composting and stewardship of the environment.

Funded by a grant from the Coachella Valley Mountain’s Conservancy, the program provides Elementary schools with classroom worm bins and training.

Middle School Garden Composting

Our Middle School Garden Composting Program is designed to inspire middle school students to compost and how this one simple act plays an essential role in improving the health of our food systems and in combating climate change. The program begins with an interactive presentation, discussion, and slides about compost’s role in building climate resilience. Students are introduced to the basics of composting, and how it relates to reducing waste, improving soil health, growing food and healthy plants and sequestering carbon. Following the presentation, students will participate in the hands-on activity of building a compost pile. Students will learn the science behind maintaining and stewarding a compost pile and how the nutrient rich finished product can be used in the school gardens.

Funded by a grant from the Coachella Valley Mountain’s Conservancy, the program provides Middle Schools with composting supplies and training.

High School Food Waste Audit & Lunchtime Assembly

Our High School Food Waste Audit program gives High School students a first hand understanding on how we can make habit adjustments that have a huge impact on our environment. Though an audit of the school’s lunchtime food waste, Desert Compost demonstrates how changing what we view as “waste” can help us conserve our valuable resources. The assembly covers waste reduction, resource recovery, and the crucial role composting plays in creating healthy food systems and mitigating climate change. Through an engaging presentation, immersive experience, discussion, and hands-on activity that includes prizes and giveaways, students can see how easy it is to reduce waste, recycle food scraps, and change their habits in order to make meaningful contributions in regenerating the environment.

Funded by a grant from the Coachella Valley Mountain’s Conservancy, the program provides High Schools with free giveaways and composting education materials for students.

Children love to learn about composting with worms!

Young people can easily participate in building a compost pile!

Elementary school students mix compost.

Student builds a worm bin for composting kitchen scraps in the classroom.